by Jeff Cyr
Someone just asked me how does sugar and carbs effect inflammation? This is what my response was, keep in mind my time is very limited, I only gave a very brief answer. There are many easy to find articles on this topic. I will just offer a few words of the little bit that I know.
1-All non-fibre carbs convert to glucose (blood sugar) some much more rapidly that others.
2-The human body only needs 5 grams of non-fibre carbohydrate in its total blood volume, 5 liters of blood in a normal 160 pound man.
人體在血液中只需要 5g 的非纖維碳水化合物,那是正常 160磅男性,身體有五公升血的大略水平
3-This 5 grams of carbo in your blood volume of 5 liters will give you a blood sugar (in circulation) of 100 mg/dl.
這 5 克碳水可以令5公升血的血糖維持於 100mg/dl水平(即5.5 mmol左右)
4-Your liver holds in storage 100 grams of carbo.
你的肝臟大慨可儲存 100克醣
5-Your skeletal muscles holds in storage 300 grams of carbo.
你的肌肉大慨可儲存300g糖 (教主補,以作劇烈活動所需,即所謂的心跳130左右或以上就會大量調動)
6-If you are like 99% of the people on planet earth today working at a desk job or at a computer typing away, your 300 grams of carbo stored in your skeletal muscle remains full.
如果你如同世界上 99% 的在電腦前坐著工作的人,你的肌肉糖份儲備處於長期飽滿狀態
7-You only have very few glucose (carbo) dependent tissues in the human body.
8-These tissues are found in the brain, red blood cells, renal medulla (the innermost parts) of the kidneys, and your retinas.
9-The fuel requirements from glucose (carbo) for these glucose dependent tissues=200 grams of carbo per day, everything else in the human body will(can) be fueled by fat (fatty acids/ketones).
10-Once you are KETO-ADAPTED your brains energy requirements from carbo drop from 140 grams per day to 40 grams per day. Yes the human brain is one hungry bastard, it uses 20-25% of your total resting energy expenditure (40-50% in children).
當你『適應了生酮』,你的腦部能源需求會由 140g 碳水大幅下降到 40g 左右,人體的大腦很渴求能源,需要能源很高大慨為 20-25%的休閒狀態能源(孩子是 40到 50%)
11-Once KETO-ADAPTED the energy requirements for the glucose dependent tissues drops from 200 grams of carbo to 100 grams of carbo per day.
當你『適應了生酮』,身體組織的碳水化合物需求會由 200g 下降到 100g 左右
12-You are no longer a slave to carbo
你不再是碳水的奴隸 (教主補,未習慣生酮很會餓,碳水量不足就會 ...)
13-Since you only need 5 grams of carbo dissolved in your blood volume of 5 liters to furnish your glucose dependent tissues with its necessary glucose you will not have any problem if you don`t eat any carbo. (Once KETO-ADAPTED)
當『習慣了生酮』,由於你的身體只有 5g 糖在血液中流動,供應糖類給各個器官,所以就算不吃任何碳水都不會有問題
14-Your liver will make all the necessary carbo via the process of gluconeogenesis with protein amino acids and by-products of fat metabolism.
你的肝臟可以經由 GNG生產醣 ,材料是使用胺基酸(蛋白質)或者脂肪氧化的副產品
15-High blood sugar is extremely toxic to all of the human body`s cells and also very toxic to the blood itself.
16-The human body is designed to maintain very narrow ranges of its blood sugar levels, 70-110 mg/dl. This is called glucose homeostasis.
人體血糖水平長期會維持於大慨 70-110mg/dl (3.9-5.6)水平
17-When you eat carbo this will raise your blood sugar level very quickly, you don`t need any carbo because your storage of carbo remains full you are sitting down at a desk.
18-This high blood sugar level must be dealt with immediately, glucose homeostasis.
19-The pancreas instantly releases its stored insulin granules, 1st phase insulin release.
20-You have always eaten a high carbohydrate diet you have become very insulin resistant.
21-Your cells have down-regulated their insulin receptors because of this constant bombardment of high insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia) needed to TRY and maintain normal blood sugar.
因為被長期的高胰島素轟炸和維持正常血糖水平,你的細胞會自動將胰島素感受體下調 (譯得很差 ...想不到應怎樣翻譯)
22-Your cells have become so resistant to the proper signaling of insulin that carbs (glucose) can no longer enter into the cells to be used as energy.
23-High blood sugar is EXTREMELY INFLAMMATORY to all of the human body.
24-High insulin is much worse than high blood sugar.
25-You have many years of high insulin (hyperinsulinemia) before you get hyperglycemia.
26-High insulin is very inflammatory and very damaging for many different reasons.
27-High insulin causes fibrous fatty streaks to develop in your many miles of blood vessels, approximately 60,000-70,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. This also leads to atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis.
28-High insulin screws up your thyroid function, it also messes with the production of all your hormones.
29-High insulin and insulin resistance will make it impossible for magnesium to enter into your cells.
30-Magnesium is needed for the activation of over 300 bio-chemical reactions in the human body.
31-Without the proper magnesium your blood vessels will constrict. This will impede blood flow and cause high blood pressure.
32-High insulin will cause the retention of sodium, which can in some cases lead to congestive heart failure.
33-High insulin will inhibit the production of nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is a very powerful vasodilator produced in the lining of your blood vessels, the endothelium, your smooth muscle cells.
34-This will further constrict all arterial blood flow and will lead to higher blood pressure. This will also lead to erectile dysfunction.
35-High insulin will cause calcium to be deposited into your blood vessels leading to arterial blockage, eventually leading to stroke, heart attack, and death.
36-High insulin is a very powerful activator of your sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
37-The SNS is always turned on at low-levels. High insulin turns this system on at very high levels. This engages your *fight or flight response*.
38-Your fight of flight response is intended to be activated during times of impending danger, such as if you are being chased by a crazed killer wielding a knife or if a person high on drugs is trying to break into your house.
39-The human body is not designed to have its *Fight or Flight* response actived (Turned on) while you are sitting at home watching the television. The activation of your fight or flight activates the stress hormones, cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline. This raises blood sugar and insulin which just keeps all of this mess going.
40-All of what I have just written down here i simply freely wrote down from the little bit that I know that is inside my brain.
41-I could very easily continue but my fingers hurt and my time is limited.
42-Everything I have just written about all goes away once the human body becomes KETO-ADAPTED. Blood sugar and insulin levels are normalized and remain in the normal range.
43-Once KETO-ADAPTED you know have full access to your own stored body fat for all of your energy needs.
44-Your brain is now fueled from a mixture of carbo (glucose) and ketones. Skeletal muscle and heart muscle are fueled from fatty acids and ketones.
44-Now your hunger goes away and you have a new found source of clean burning fuel and a new found level of energy.
45-I would have to write a very long book on all the inflammatory and devastation that a SAD high carbohydrate does to the human body.
46-It causes total cell miscommunication which leads to mass confusion and total metabolic dysregulation inside the human body.
47-Proper cell communication and proper signaling being heard in the human body from insulin/glucagon and leptin must be restored.
#ketosaves #ketocrusaders