2016年6月16日 星期四

簡短翻譯文 - 論營養學



如果一位 F22 駕駛員或者Navy Blue Angels 海軍人員進入室內,這些人不會開始有關航空電子設備和空氣動力學的談話
Joe down the street是一枝獨秀的奶蛋素食主義者,假如你覺得比在低碳水化合飲食上,為動物肉和脂肪背負了沉重的責任。這很好沒有甚麼問題。 (獨特的雪花油脂,是吧?)
我想主要的問題是,由於在與有關的危險信息被淹沒了半個世紀(以下一號危險品隨你挑):飽和脂肪,膽固醇,紅類,黃油,全脂牛奶,白麵包,非常的多,人們真的認為他們談到營養的東西是真的,因為他們已經被引導相信,科學已經確實認定了這些問題。(事實不是,膽固醇於2015年翻案,網誌發表於 2014年 10月)
The same people who confidently chime in with their two cents about saturated fat, calories, whole grains, and fiber, would never presume to know anything about nuclear waste disposal, or flying a fighter jet. If an F-22 pilot or Navy Blue Angels pilot walked into the room, these people wouldn’t saunter up and start a conversation about avionics and aerodynamics. But when they find out I’m a nutritionist, they often say things and then wait expectantly for me to nod and corroborate what they already “know.”

WHY do so many people think they’re experts when it comes to nutrition, but not when it comes to flying fighter jets? Maybe it’s because with flying jets, there are checklists. You do the same thing the same wayevery time, because if you don’t, someone might get killed. Nutrition isn’t an exact science. It’s not done the same way every time. Joe down the street is thriving as a lacto-ovo vegetarian, while you’ve never felt better than on low-carb with hefty amounts of animal flesh and fat. And that’s fine. (Unique snowflakes, right?) But when someone says they avoid eggs because of the cholesterol, that makes me want to take that person and shake them. Hard.

I’ll say it again: just because we all have bodies, feed them, and move them, doesn’t mean we know much of anything about how best to feed them and move them. Some personal trainers have personal trainers, and some nutritionists have nutritionists or naturopathic doctors. Even experts need their own experts, because the people who do know don’t know everything.

I’m not saying people don’t have a right to chime in when a conversation turns to a subject they’re interested in. But unfortunately, when it comes to nutrition, TV medical gurus, the evening news, supermarket tabloids, fitness & health magazines, and even people’s own doctors have convinced too many people out there that they know something about food and the human body. But “knowing” something doesn’t make it true, no matter how many times, for how long, or from how many people they’ve heard it.
I guess the main problem is that thanks to over a half-century of being inundated with messages about the dangers of (take your pick—they’ve all been public enemy #1 at one time or another): saturated fat, cholesterol, red meat, butter, whole milk, white bread, and more, people honestly think they do know what they're talking about when it comes to nutrition, because they've been led to believe that the science is settled.

